First, we have to process the Idoneita’ alloggiativa. Depending on your municipality, the procedure can be online. The documentation to be presented is also different from every municipality.
Generally the documents needed are:
- Identification Documents such as passport and permesso soggiorno
- For house rentals, the rental contract (contratto affitto), and for house owners, the deed of ownership(atto di proprieta’)
- House planimetry (planimetria)
- Printed copy of the application form signed by the interested persons such as the applicant and house owner.
NOTE: The surface area of a suitable accomodation should be 14sqm for every occupant, unless the house is a studio type(monolocale), it shoud be at least 38sqm.
All the documentation needs to be submitted in your respective municipality. It will take about a month for the release of Certificato di idoneita’ alloggiativa.
Then , once the certificato idoneita’ alloggiativa is obtained, we can now proceed for the application online for family reunification/family petition. All the documentation needed should be attached on the application form before submitting online.
After, these processes, all you need to do is wait for an appointment to present personally and eventually pick up the nulla osta
Lastly, you’ll need to send the origibal copy of Nulla osta to your family member, and subsequently he/she needs to present this to the Italian Embassy/Italian Consulate to obtain his/her visa for Family Reunification.
1 familiare: € 8.975,46
2 familiari: € 11.967,28
3 familiari: € 14.959,10
4 familiari: € 17.950,92
5 familiari: € 20.942,74